
Stardate 94656.82 - Commander Obama's report on exiled Ferengi operating on uncontacted pre-warp world.

Commander Michelle Obama of the Federation starship Defiant reports that she has encountered a renegade Ferengi, who may be the same individual banished from Ferengi Territory after involvement in the unsuccessful coup attempt against the Grand Nagus. The Ferengi DaiMon, second from left, is reportedly now in the midst of seizing power in the largest extant economy on an uncontacted late-industrial class-M planet. Starfleet intelligence is still investigating how the Ferengi came to reside upon the uncontacted world, which is home to a planetbound civilization, still dependent on the combustion of fossil fuel sources for most of its energy. Grand Nagus Zek has stated only that DaiMon Trump was "given the boot" due to "staggering incompetence" and commented that the DaiMon "utterly lacked the lobes to pursue profitable trade."

The Admiralty has, over Commander Obama's strenuous protest, placed the Commander under strict orders to follow the prime directive, and leave the Defiant cloaked and in a holding pattern within the system's asteroid belt. Starfleet Command is concerned that, given this Ferengi's uncharacteristically spiteful and vindictive nature, any overt intervention by the Federation at this time could prompt a bellicose response. Starfleet Intelligence notes that the government under control of the Ferengi is the largest military power on the planet, and maintains a sizable thermonuclear arsenal.

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